FIR Applications
Want statements done in sadar police station
12 years ago,
Himachal Pradesh
Please provide me statements of arpna tandon, and statement of ashok negi, held on 26 dec 2012 in sadar police station, shimla under mr. manjeet kumar.
Two wheeler vehicle no. up32cs8810 stolen status
12 years ago,
Uttar Pradesh
Dear sir,
my hero honda bike bearing no. *********** has stolen from rani lakshmi bai hospital, rajajipuram lucknow, on dated : 12.01.2013 saturday at evening. i have give the information to the concern police station (talkatora) immeidetly. and on the help line no. 100 also. police station incharge has lodge my f.i.r after one week i.e. 19.01.2013 f.i.r. no. 335182, 14/13.
all the original documents of vehicle also stolen with vehicle.
we have not received any response about the status of vehicle but last day i.e. 28.03.2013 the beat in charge has call to me and want to meet with me, he told me to provide the registration certificate of the stolen vehicle
and when i told him that i have not the registration document of vehicle he advice me to collect a duplicate copy from r.t.o. he was looking confuse to give me the proper answer about the vehicle is found or not, he only told that he is trying and found some vehicle.
i only want to know about the status of my stolen vehicle whether it is found or not by the police.
kindly give me the information about the process.
thanking you
Action of dm faizabad for up sect letter no m-3-25527/34-lok sikayat anubhag-1/2012
12 years ago,
Uttar Pradesh
Dear sir,
i am a member of indian armed forces ( navy). my old parents have been harassing by vidhyadhar dubey and his three sons since 23 years. they are not allowing to rebuild my native home in village. vidhyadhar dubey obtain a patta in gram samaj land no. 205 a, illegally in front of my native house and build a wall to stop the entrance of my old native house. my father appeal in dm faizabad office which is still under decision. in may 12, i have taken leave of one month to short out this problem and made letter to district authy from my office. the police called me more than 12 times in police station by stopping all the construction work but not filed any fir till date and my leave was completed in waste. my father lodged an appeal in up sect and a letter no m-3-25527/34-lok sikayat anubhag-1/2012 dated 11-12-2012 was forwarded to dm faizabad which action not known till date.
my native village address- ************vill- katka makdumpur (vasupali), po-jajwara, ps- haider ganj tehsil- bikapur, pargana- paschim raath, dist- faizabad hrrassedaction of dm faizabad for up sect letter no m-3-25527/34-lok sikayat anubhag-1/2012

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