Answer Sheet RTI - How to file RTI for Students
The Honourable Supreme Court of India in its
landmark judgementhas allowed for the full disclosure of exam answer copies to the applicant. Evaluated answer sheet now falls under the definition of “information” under the powerful
Right to Information(RTI) Act.This judgement is a welcome step for the lakhs of students who receive wrong results due to negligence of examining bodies or their members. All the exams conducted by government bodies, including all those by individual state and central governments are covered by this law.
The Court
clarified that the duty of these Public Authorities is to allow maximum disclosure, which is the vision for the RTI Act. Various Examination Conducting Bodies need to comply with this law and include provisions to provide copies to students regarding their answer-sheets, merit-lists, cutoffs and inspection of answer copies. Few Examination bodies coming under the law which conduct exams for lakhs of applicants are Public Service Commissions, Universities, CBSE and other boards, professional bodies like ICAI. If you are not happy with your exam results, now You can get Copies of your Evaluated Answer Sheets of Exams like UPSC, RRB, LIC AAO, SSC etc, and all State Government exams like TET, UPPSC, MPSC etc. In effect, all the examinations conducted by any institution in India come under this law.
This Act can be extremely beneficial to the student community by allowing such transparency. A student in any university or school can demand inspection of his answer script and also take its certified copies.There are many decisions and discussions on obtaining evaluated answer copies under RTI.
You can get the following information by filing this RTI and using your right.
- Marks list and Selection list of candidates according to Merit
- Copy of evaluated answer copy all pages in all subjects.
- Copy of TestKey all pages in all subjects
There are no one set of rules or standards that apply in examination evaluation by Universities or Education Boards. There is no countrywide accepted norms or any legal rights for the students over fraudulent practices or biased marking. This has created nightmares for millions of bright students and destroyed the future or promising students across India. Maintaining and Giving Answer Copies may be extra workload for the educational institution, but it is not a reasonable excuse to deny this information under RTI. Evaluated answer copies have to be open to the public to ensure transparency in our education system. Any student who got unexpected low marks or failed even after answering questions properly, is a grieved citizen. This student can demand to inspect his results so that the evaluators cannot use unjustified means to act against any student.
How to File RTI for Answer Sheet?
Although the RTI Act has provided for this amazing facility to students, students are still not aware that they can use RTI for this purpose. The ones that know about this usage of RTI are unclear about the correct process to file this RTI. When the students don’t know the proper way to send the application, the probability of the application getting rejected becomes quite high.
We are outlining the step by step process which any student can use to obtain his answer copies under RTI. Hopefully all your doubts will be clear by the end of this post.
Who Can ask for evaluated answer copy under RTI?
All the Indian citizens can seek information under RTI. There is no legal restriction for students below the age of 18 years. In case the applicant is minor, the guardians of the minor can also file RTI on minor’s behalf. This act benefits college students, applicants for departmental exams, public service exams and professional exams.
Where do I submit my answer copy/omr answer sheet RTI?
The Public Authorities are required to preserve and provide this information whenever a student demands it. Public Authorities will include educational institutions, colleges and schools. All these institutions have to appoint people as Public Information Officers (PIO) or Assistant Public Information Officers (APIO). Generally the Names of PIO, APIO can be obtained from the Website of Institution.
In case their names and addresses are not available,students can send the application to PIO of any public authority(whether it is relevant or not). This authority has to transfer to the relevant authority within 5 days. In case name of PIO of your institution/college is not available, an application can be made to the PIO of the concerned university. It is mandatory of such authority to transfer the application to the relevant department within 5 days of receiving it and inform the applicant about the transfer.

How should I write my Answer Copy RTI?
Filing RTI for Answer Sheet or OMR Answer Sheet is quite a simple process. You need to write your application with the questions you want answered. For the application, you can use a plain sheet of paper. You don’t have to explain why you need the information you are asking for. The application should not exceed 500 words
The application can be written in English, Hindi or the official language of the state. It is always preferable to compose the language in formal and clear language.
Under the RTI, you may seek certified copies of your answer script or inspect them. It is important to specify what information you want in the application. It is also important to mention the name of the PIO/APIO.
The information that you can get under RTI for students are -
- Marks obtained by applicant.
- Cut-off Marks for that exam.
- Certified copy of evaluated answer script.
- Model answer script used to evaluate.
- Guide(s) provided to evaluators.
- Time and place where answer scripts were inspected.
- Number of students who want re-evaluation (this includes inspection, re-totalling, re-assessment, etc.) of answer scripts.
How do I pay for my Answer Sheet RTI?
Once you are done with addressing your application to the correct PIO/APIO and writing your questions in the correct format, you need to pay for your application. Send your application along with the fee at the designated address of the PIO/APIO. The public authority needs to reply satisfactorily Within 30 days of Receiving your Request. You also need to attach a few documents and give some details about your identity.
- Postal Order Number.
- Identity Card of student.
- Admission Card of student for Exam.
- Marksheet.
When 30 Days Have Elapsed but I am yet to receive a response, can I file an appeal?
If 30 days have passed and you have still not received your information, it is considered that the PIO/APIO has refused to give you information. You can appeal against this decision within 30 days to the officer senior to PIO. First Appeal has to be completed within 30 days. Second Appeal can be filed within 90 days against the decision of the second appellate authority with the
Chief Information Commission.The decision of CIC is final and binding.
How do I file RTI for Evaluated Answer Sheet Online?
Filing RTI for getting answer copy and OMR answer sheet is a very effective way to solve the problems of lakhs of students. Usually students get very good results when they file this type of RTI. If you don’t wish to go through tedious government processes and line up at the Post Office, you can use a simple alternative. There is a solution for the students who don’t want to get into the entire process and just want their results. You can file your RTI online at
OnlineRTI.comwithin five minutes.
Over 20k students have filed RTIs for copies of their answer sheet to see how they fared in exam. You just need to fill out simple details such as name of exam, roll number in our online form. This can be done for All State Government Boards, Colleges and Universities. After your application reaches us, our lawyers draft your application in the correct format. Moreover, we take care of sending your application speedily to the address of the exact public authority. You can use all cards(debit,atm,credit). Netbanking, Paytm wallet options to make the payment online safely and securely on our website. Your RTI will then be sent to your institution within a day of reaching our team.
The process of sending your application online through our portal is a very easy. Just follow these steps outlined here to file your application with OnlineRTI.com:
- Firstly, enter your Address and Contact Details. In case, we are not clear about any aspect of your application we will give you a call. Also, we ask for the address as your Evaluated Answer Copy will get delivered directly to you.
- Secondly, enter out just these three details - Your Name, Exam Name and Roll Number
- Then, finish the payment using our safe online payment options
Your application is complete! After this, our lawyers will contact you by calling or emailing to get more information if required. You can provide additional documents which you might have to attach. Finally, after you send your approval, your RTI application will be completed and sent!
If you still have questions regarding filing for answer sheet or OMR answer sheet, or if you are looking for any other kind of information on RTI, visit our
ForumHow to file RTI to get Answer Sheet ?
How to file RTI to get Marksheets Verified ?
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