The Right to Information Act has empowered every citizen. Let us take a look at the rights that are available under RTI Act 2005. Under the
RTI Act,a citizen can
- Ask questions from the Government and the public authority or government department/body has to provide a response
- Take copies of any government documents
- Inspect any documents belonging to a public body.
- Inspect samples of Government works
- Inspect samples of materials of any Government work.
A person who desires to obtain any information under the Right to Information Act shall make a request in writing or through electronic means in English or Tamil to the concerned Public Information officer of the department.
- No reason for seeking information need be given or should be ask.
- There is no specified form
How to file RTI Tamil Nadu
The way in which the Right to Information Act 2005 has been made effective is the use of State Information Commissions. When the information asked for is not provided to the citizen by the PIO, he can go to the Appellate Authority of that department. In case, the applicant is still not satisfied by the responses being provided, he can file a complaint to the State Information Commission that the department falls under. The RTI Act is also available in
Tamil.You can follow the format mentioned in the
official form.In exercise of the powers conferred by section 27 of the Right to Information Act’2005, the Government of Tamil Nadu hereby make the following rules under
Tamila Nadu Right to Information Rules’2005.If you wish to exercise your right to information, follow the steps mentioned below in order to successfully file an RTI application in Tamil Nadu.
The procedure to follow to file an RTI application for Tamil Nadu is as follows:
- Identify the department to which your RTI application should be sent. For instance, any details sought regarding the police should be filed to the respective police station like the Tamil Nadu Police in this case and if it is about transport service in the city it should go to State Transport Department (Tamil Nadu State Road Transport Corporation).
- Write your RTI application on a plain paper, or you can contact the concerned Department and orally tell your RTI queries, the concerned officer, i.e., the Public Information Officer has to take your request you and provide assistance in noting it down in a legitimate format.
- You can write your questions in English or in Tamil. The replies that you receive from the government can also be either in English or in Tamil.
- Always keep in mind that the questions should relate to only one topic otherwise it might get rejected, according to the RTI Act. For instance, if it is about status of FIR, ask questions that are only related to FIR.
- You are required to Attach Rs.10/- fee in the form of Court Fee Stamp, Cash, DD.
- Send it via- speed post/registered post or file it directly in the Department.

How to file RTI Tamil Nadu Online
At present the Tamil Nadu Government does not have the facility for filing RTI for the state departments online. However, there is another way that you can use.
You can use our website
OnlineRTI.comto file your RTI requests for Tamil Nadu online. We will take care of all the required formalities. We will call you back to understand your query clearly. We will then process your application and do the needful on your behalf to ensure your RTI request reaches the right authority.
You simply need to follow a few easy steps and you can complete your application within the comfort of your home.
- Visit Apply
Page of our website. Enter your details and your query in plain language
- We will draft your application according to the guidelines and send it to you for you to review
- Finally when you are satisfied with your application, we will take care of attaching the fees and sending it to the correct authority.
Departments under Tamil Nadu Government:
All Tamil Nadu State Government Departments and local governing bodies in Tamil Nadu like Municipal Corporations (Greater Chennai Corporation, Madurai Municipal Corporation, Coimbatore Municipal Corporation, Salem Municipal Corporation, Thanjavur Municipal Corporation etc.) Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Ltd., Tamil Nadu Highways Department, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Tamil Nadu Civil Supply Corporation, Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board, Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board, Tamil nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO), Thiruvalluvar University, Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu State Crime Records Bureau, Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation, Tamil Nadu Medical Council, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, Tamil Nadu Pharmacy Council, University of Madras, Tamil Nadu Open University, Vinayaka Missions University, Thiruvananthapuram Development Authority, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) etc
Fees that you need to pay for your RTI Tamil Nadu
The requisite RTI fee has to be paid as mentioned in the
Tamil Nadu RTI rulesin the form of postal money order or by affixing court fee stamp or by Demand Draft or Bankers' Cheque as mentioned in the rules. There is a different fee prescribed for Inspection or if the information is required in CD format. RTI applications can be sent through speed posts, registered posts, or couriers with the requisite RTI Fee.
- Ask the information specifically listing them (1), (2), (3), etc.
- Do not write long history of the case or other extraneous comments that will confuse the issue;
- Give your contact address clearly.
- Be brief and to the point.
- There is no need to mark a copy to Information Commission or Appellate Authority at the first stage of application as it will be premature and won't be acted upon.
- Nor try to route it through them as it will only delay the papers with no advantage;
- Kindly be polite in the correspondence. Rudeness will not get any better results!
- There is no need to pay any fees on appeals.
Public Information Officer
The RTI should be addressed to the concerned Public information officer of the department like Secretary, Registrar etc as mentioned in the
know your PIOlink provided by Government of Tamil Nadu. You can find out the respective PIO for the department to which you wish to send your query to.
Timeline of RTI response
As per the RTI rules, the response/reply should be received within 30-45 days of filing/posting the RTI application. However, if no RTI reply comes from the department, then a First Appeal has to be filed to the higher Appellate authority of the same department.
If the RTI reply has been received and still the applicant is not satisfied then also, First Appeal can be filed to the higher authority requesting for a proper response of the RTI.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the First appeal also, then a second appeal has to be filed to
Tamil Nadu Information Commission.We are here to answer any questions or doubts that you may have about RTI and how to file your application on
OnlineRTI Forum.To know more, you can also read our posts on
OnlineRTI Blog.To use our website to file your application, go to
OnlineRTI.comand fill out a simple form to complete your RTI application.
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