In exercise of the powers conferred by the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Uttar Pradesh Governor announced the Uttar Pradesh Right to Information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rules, 2006. These rules are called the
Uttar Pradesh Right to Information Rules, 2015.These rules form the foundation of implementation of the Central Government’s RTI Act in Uttar Pradesh. Every citizen of India has the right to obtain information.
RTI Act has faced several problems in implementation since it came into effect. There are few significant problems in the implementation of RTI UP. Firstly, there is no proactive declaration by most Public Authorities in the State. RTI Act is not being used extensively in the state of UP since the ignorance about the Act is high. Awareness and information camps have been conducted, but there is still a long way to go.
How to file RTI UttarPradesh?
There are certain things you need to keep in mind while
filing an RTI application.Read more to know about the details that are important for you to get a reply for your application.
- Which departments fall under RTI UP?
- What questions can I ask?
- Who do I send it my Application to?
- How do I pay for my RTI UP Application?
- Information in A-3 or A-4 size paper - Rs.2 per page,
- Large size: actual cost,
- Publications: actual cost.
- CD: Rs.50/- per CD.
- Inspection: Rs.10/- for first hour and Rs.5/- for every 15 minutes or part thereof thereafter.
- How do I submit my Application?
All UP State Government Departments and local governing bodies in UP like Municipal Corporations(Allahabad Municipal Corporation, Lucknow Municipal Corporation, Jhansi Municipal Corporation, Varanasi Municipal Corporation, Kanpur Municipal Corporation etc.) Uttar Pradesh Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Limited, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited, Uttar Pradesh Madarsa Board, New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board, Uttar Pradesh Teacher eligibility Test (UPTET) Uttar Pradesh Pharmacy Council, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Lucknow Development Authority, UP Secondary Education Service Selection Board, Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Board of High School and Intermediate Education, UP, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Central Sunni Waqf Board, UP RERA, UP Basic Shiksha Parishad, UPPSC, University of Lucknow, Varanasi Development Authority, Meerut Development Authority, UP Technical University, U P State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC), Exam Regulatory Authority, UP etc.
RTI Applications in Uttar Pradesh are required to be made in Form No.2 as prescribed in
UP RTI Rules, 2015mentioned on the Uttar Pradesh Information Commission website. RTI UP Application shall not exceed 500 words. Applicants can use the suggested format by typing or legibly writing on plain paper using
English Formor
Hindi Formformat
The UP Information Commission provides the information regarding the various Public Information Commissioners for the respective departments. This is the officer RTI UP application needs to be addressed to. You can find out the exact address of official from
List of PIOs & FAAsYour RTI Application has to be as per the RTI Rules and Fees for Uttar Pradesh. The application fee is Rs.10/- to be paid by Bank’s Demand Draft or Pay Order [Banker’s Cheque] or Indian Postal Order or in Cash against receipt. Applicants holding BPL(Below Poverty Line) certificate do not have to pay any application fee.
In the case of maps and plans etc. the fee shall be fixed by the concerned State Public Information Officer in each case depending upon the cost of labour and material required to be employed.
The amount of fee shall be deposited in the following head of account: “0070-Other Administrative Services - 60-Other Services - 800- Other receipts - 11-Receipts under Right to Information Act, 2005.”
An RTI applicant is required to send their application via speed post or registered post.
For any kind of query or assistance, you can reach
Uttar Pradesh Information Commission Helplinethrough their Number - 0522-2288949

How to file RTI Online in Uttar Pradesh?
Currently, there is no possibility to file online RTI in Uttar Pradesh. Fortunately, we have created a simple straightforward solution which allows citizens to file RTI online for public authorities throughout India. To use this solution, go to our website
OnlineRTI.comto file your RTI Online UP Application.
There is a simple 3 step method to get your application processed for any query relating to RTI Online UP:
- Write your RTI request
in simple english.
- We will then call you back to understand the RTI request in detail.
- Complete the payment process to finish your application
We do all that is necessary to ensure a good response to your RTI. We have a team of RTI Experts and Lawyers, who help in drafting the RTI applications they call you back or email you if needed, they find exact address of government department responsible to reply to your RTI. We take care of attaching the appropriate fees to the RTI application and post it to the concerned department.
Departments under UP Government
You can address your RTI application the departments under Uttar Pradesh Government listed
here. Format Prescribedby UP Government should be referred to decrease the chance of no response or rejection of the RTI UP Application.
When will the response be provided to your RTI UP Application?
The information is supposed to reach the applicant by 30 days. After this duration has lapsed, and the applicant has still not received their response from the concerned authority, the applicant can file an appeal to the Public Grievance Commission. The concerned official who has failed to provide the information within the specified time period, is liable under the Act, to pay a penalty of Rs. 50/- per day for delayed periods beyond the 30 days subject to a maximum of Rs. 500/- per application. The monetary penalty drives the authorities to consider RTI Applications on priority and ensures that the citizen receives the information they are looking for.
If you wish to share your comments or ask any questions regarding Right to Information applications, visit
OnlineRTI Forum.To experience the simplest way to file an RTI application, go to
OnlineRTI.comand exercise your right.
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